
In Monty functions are regular objects, just like integers or lists. This means that they can be assigned to variables, passed as arguments to other functions and also be return values. Using a function’s name will not call the function, but return the function object. Functions are called using parenthesis.

Int gcd(Int a, Int b):
    while b != 0:
        Int tmp_a := a
        Int tmp_b := b
        a := tmp_b
        b := tmp_a % tmp_b
    return a
((Int, Int) -> Int) gcd2 := gcd
Int number  := gcd(42, 56)
Int number2 := gcd2(42, 56)

The above function calculates the greatest common divisor. The variable gcd2 is assigned the function object. It can be called just like the original function.

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